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Message From The Director

 Message from the Director:


The fall season is here and the Ash Street Center is excited about all the events and activities we have planned. Our focus at the Ash Street Center remains on providing therapeutic supports to meet the needs of all students assigned to us for services. The Neurosequential Model in Education continues to inform our staff on the impacts of trauma and what it truly means to be “Trauma Responsive”.

During this fall season we look forward to resuming our equine therapy in collaboration with the Calvin Center as well as continuing to partner with Viewpoint Healthcare, who provides talk therapy for students. Our mission is to help our students learn ways of managing feelings of distress, so as not to disrupt their ability to learn or the learning environment for others. We are extremely proud of the number of students who returned to a less restrictive environment for the 2024 – 2025 school year.

We encourage all of our parents and stakeholders to rally around our most vulnerable students as they face the difficult challenge of modifying their behaviors and becoming solution-oriented students.

We look forward a great fall and successful school year!

Best Wishes,

Derrick Gilchrist