Ash Street Center houses the South Metro Program, which is one of 24 centers in the GNETS (Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support) system. The South Metro Program is a complex community based delivery system that serves severe emotionally/behaviorally disordered students and students with severe autism between the ages of three and twenty-one along with their families in south Henry County and Clayton County. We also have transitional classrooms in several Clayton County schools for students that are ready for a less restrictive environment.
Students receiving services through a GNETS Program are referred by their local school system through the Individual Education Program (IEP) process. An IEP team may consider in-class services by a GNETS program for a child with an emotional and behavioral disorder based upon documentation of the severity of the duration, frequency and intensity of one or more of the characteristics of the disability category of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). This documentation must include prior extension of less restrictive services and data which indicate such services have not enabled the child to benefit educationally. For children receiving in-class services, local schools are actively involved and exit criteria are developed upon entry into the GNETS program.